Let your passion for justice be the light that guides your studies in criminology, for a fairer society.

Research project
Workshops / Seminars
Educational visits
Book presentations

Mission of the Laboratory

According to its constitution, the mission of the Laboratory is

Study & Research

The study, research, and in-depth exploration of Criminological Sciences. Additionally, addressing the teaching and research needs of the students of the School in the fields of Criminology.


Collaboration with other academic institutions or research centers, scientific or social organizations, provided that their scientific objectives coincide or align with those of the Laboratory.

Scientific Events

To organize scientific conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops, colloquia and other scientific events


Contact us

Meet our team

Deepen your knowledge in Forensic Sciences.

Member’s Registration

The Laboratory is always supported by doctoral candidates, lawyers, postgraduate, and undergraduate students who are interested in deepening their knowledge in Criminological Sciences. The Laboratory is aimed at all scientists who wish to enhance their expertise in Criminological Sciences. Members of the Laboratory include faculty members of the Law School, Teaching Fellows, doctoral graduates, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students. The primary criterion for participation in the activities of the Laboratory of Criminological Sciences (ErEgEp) is a special interest in studying and delving deeper into the field of criminological sciences.